My attitude

Lately, I’ve been cooped up a lot at home after work to try to get some order in my studies, reading and organising a lot. My plan for educating my self to be a specialist in the area of obstetrics, gynaecology and urology that will take place the coming three years is a lot to dig into, and was approved at the beginning of this week.

I finished researching the first part that I need to prepare for my next meeting with my mentor on Friday, so when the sun came up on Saturday, I decided I needed to treat my self with some outdoor activity. Yes, my attitude to what both my body and my mind needs, is to treat it with the good stuff – fresh air, power walking and watching the beauty of nature, and then a pitstop at the outdoor gym.


Attitude is everything. If I think of training, yoga, talking a walk etc only as something I have to do there’s a big risk I’ll be associating it with negativity. But If I focus on how good it feels, how relaxed I will be, and how mentally recharged I will be, then I look forward to it instead. And that’s why I say I treat my self with a beautiful walk instead.

Many of my patients have the wrong attitude towards rehab training, but the naked truth is that we have a body that has been through a lot during life, and needs to be taken care of. The older we get, the more the training will be about keeping it working and being healthy, and not just about pushing it. We can still push it, but we might need to do some very important movements for stability, coordination and mobility as part of the warm up for example, or after the training – depending on what the issues are.

If we keep this in mind and change our attitude about what we want or should be able to do, taking care of our selves will be a lot easier!

Stay well 🙂

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